
Gardena changes law on utility-users tax

From an article in The Daily Breeze 01/13/05

Author: Eddie North-Hager DAILY BREEZE
Date: Jan 13, 2005
Text Word Count: 637
Abstract (Document Summary)

The Gardena City Council appeared to lay the groundwork this week to increase its utility-users' tax by changing the language of a law adopted 18 years ago. But some councilmen denied any plans to raise taxes despite the city's financial problems.

Though Waste Resources of Gardena and Phoenix Waste and Recycling Resources scored slightly higher in the analysis, Waste Management offered a lower monthly rate of $13.31 per household. The offer from Waste Management, which is the city's current residential hauler, was 29 cents lower than Waste Resources and Phoenix.

In 2003, Waste Resources, which is part of a joint venture with the city, was awarded Gardena's $6.5 million commercial waste account. But current haulers, including Waste Management, sued, claiming they weren't given enough notice of contract termination. The settlement allows Waste Resources to become the sole commercial hauler in 2006.

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