
Council Meeting Minutes For Chosen Few

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Meeting Minutes": Hey, Gardena Watch. Your site is really cool. I don't have cable and don't know what is going on. The city makes you pay $10.00 if you want a copy of the meeting. I can't afford that. Used to be able to go to the library and check out a copy. Wonder why they stopped that? Makes me think they want to keep us ignorant so they can do whatever they want and nobody complains. Lots of good information. Please keep it going! Thank you!

Posted by Anonymous to Gardena Watch at November 8, 2007 5:51 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Gardena Watch,
I agree with that comment last Friday from one of the readers. Keep up the good work and thanks for gathering the info. My trash fees went up and seems kind of high.

Thanks for letting me post anonymous since I had a bad experience with one of the city folks and don't want to be on their bad side.