Did you go to Council Meeting on Tuesday 9/14/2010? Council member Johnson sure needs a lesson in civics. Her tyrade against 'those businesses' that are undesirable..water stores, beauty salons, cigarette stores, nail shops.. are certainly the 'type' of business that a potential developer, Mr. Leib, should not consider as tennants for his 'proposed' strip mall on Normandie Aveue. This man has not gotten his project completely approved and is in front of Council presenting his proposed project...What a lesson in civics, Gardena needs a seminar for it's officials.
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de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏk'rə-sē) n., pl. -cies. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. A political or social unit that has such a government. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. Majority rule.
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1 comment:
Did you go to Council Meeting on Tuesday 9/14/2010? Council member Johnson sure needs a lesson in civics. Her tyrade against 'those businesses' that are undesirable..water stores, beauty salons, cigarette stores, nail shops.. are certainly the 'type' of business that a potential developer, Mr. Leib, should not consider as tennants for his 'proposed' strip mall on Normandie Aveue. This man has not gotten his project completely approved and is in front of Council presenting his proposed project...What a lesson in civics, Gardena needs a seminar for it's officials.
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