
Meeting Minutes

At one time the videotape of the council meeting was available to all residents, at no charge, from our local L.A. County library. Things have changed and we're not sure when, how or why that's happened. It now costs $10 for a copy of a DVD of the meeting, available at City Hall. That's more than some albums cost these days.

Postings not citing an individual's name are the express opinions of those individuals and not to be considered fact-based.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Gardena Watch. Your site is really cool. I don't have cable and don't know what is going on. The city makes you pay $10.00 if you want a copy of the meeting. I can't afford that. Used to be able to go to the library and check out a copy. Wonder why they stopped that? Makes me think they want to keep us ignorant so they can do whatever they want and nobody complains. Lots of good information. Please keep it going! Thank you!