
Take Out the Papers and the Trash

Gardena has had a love affair with Waste Management. Read through some of the old postings in this blog and you'll understand what I mean. The end result was that Gardena property owners were delivered higher rates on trash collection. Council members Bradford and Medrano led the shady deals and were even caught in the act with representatives from the waste management companies at their favorite locale, Cherrystones, reported in The Daily Breeze some time ago.

Bradford continues to take out the papers and the trash--I was going to say not in the literal sense but actually, Ron Ikejiri did pull papers to run for city council and then trashed them. It doesn't take a mastermind to surmise that Bradford was the "brain" of these hijinks and convinced Ikejiri to pull papers to appear as though he was running for City Council. The strategy worked to an extent--Art Kaskanian dropped out. Left in the race are Tasha Cerda, Mina Semenza, Dan Medina and Shannon Lawrence.

The Daily Breeze ran an article, "Gardena council candidates won't face incumbent," this morning and failed to address the fact that Kaskanian dropped out. I realize the Breeze isn't the New York Times as far as its investigative reporting goes, but my rose-colored glasses broke years ago. You don't need x-ray vision to see straight through the special treatment Bradford gets with the Breeze. I wouldn't be surprised if he bullied them into reporting his version of the truth because that is oh-so-Bradford.

Here's the real story: Sitting council members spread the rumor that they would run. Ikejiri pulled papers. Ikejiri didn't file because he never intended to file. Their hope was that certain candidates would drop out. Bradford would have a for-sure seat waiting for his candidate.

Gotta run. I need to throw out today's copy of The Daily Breeze in the recycling bin.

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