There are less than 7 days left until this election season is over. I think I speak for most of you when I say I'm tired of all the ads and robocalls and want it all to end soon. But while we're in the home stretch, little suprises keep popping up.
A campaign mailer got into the hands of this blogger yesterday. It was shoved in a friend's mailbox, which is against United States Postal Service rules. A minor detail.
This mailer for Gardena Councilmember tells me that "The Choice is Clear. Only One Candidate is Ready." Then it blasts all his opponents with "Not Ready" stamped across their accomplishments that don't measure up to Shannon Lawrence's, apparently stellar qualifications.
Steve Bradford, incumbent City Councilman, is quoted, "For years we have invested in Gardena Youth...now one of our best and brightest is ready to serve." So I'm thinking, is the Youth serving us with insults? Where are your manners, Shannon?
Then there is mention of Shannon understanding the power of coalition building. Why, of course. Coalition building. But look closely and you'll find an interesting tale that unravels to find layer after layer of political wheeler-dealers and ties to a union that is getting less than favorable news lately. Bradford and the Ridley-Thomas camp have set him up with some primo endorsements and campaign contributions with major ties to the SIEU--the largest union in the state of California. In an August 2008 Los Angeles Times article, it was reported that "A congressional committee has opened an inquiry into a financial scandal enveloping the Service Employees International Union's biggest California local because of six-figure payments made to firms owned by relatives of its president."
Another recent article in the LA Times in October 2008 states, "For every $1 raised by Ridley-Thomas, those unions have raised nearly $9 for a separate campaign on his behalf, according to fundraising reports."
I've heard of helping to open doors but this "best and brightest" doesn't look like he even put his hand on the doorknob to open it. Bradford and Ridley-Thomas helped open the doors and the unions have forked over the money. Less than a handful of Lawrence's endorsements come from Gardena residents. Who is this Youth serving? The SIEU? The United Food and Commercial Workers? I thought this campaign was for serving the City of Gardena's residents.
So Gardena, are you ready?
A campaign mailer got into the hands of this blogger yesterday. It was shoved in a friend's mailbox, which is against United States Postal Service rules. A minor detail.
This mailer for Gardena Councilmember tells me that "The Choice is Clear. Only One Candidate is Ready." Then it blasts all his opponents with "Not Ready" stamped across their accomplishments that don't measure up to Shannon Lawrence's, apparently stellar qualifications.
Steve Bradford, incumbent City Councilman, is quoted, "For years we have invested in Gardena Youth...now one of our best and brightest is ready to serve." So I'm thinking, is the Youth serving us with insults? Where are your manners, Shannon?
Then there is mention of Shannon understanding the power of coalition building. Why, of course. Coalition building. But look closely and you'll find an interesting tale that unravels to find layer after layer of political wheeler-dealers and ties to a union that is getting less than favorable news lately. Bradford and the Ridley-Thomas camp have set him up with some primo endorsements and campaign contributions with major ties to the SIEU--the largest union in the state of California. In an August 2008 Los Angeles Times article, it was reported that "A congressional committee has opened an inquiry into a financial scandal enveloping the Service Employees International Union's biggest California local because of six-figure payments made to firms owned by relatives of its president."
Another recent article in the LA Times in October 2008 states, "For every $1 raised by Ridley-Thomas, those unions have raised nearly $9 for a separate campaign on his behalf, according to fundraising reports."
I've heard of helping to open doors but this "best and brightest" doesn't look like he even put his hand on the doorknob to open it. Bradford and Ridley-Thomas helped open the doors and the unions have forked over the money. Less than a handful of Lawrence's endorsements come from Gardena residents. Who is this Youth serving? The SIEU? The United Food and Commercial Workers? I thought this campaign was for serving the City of Gardena's residents.
So Gardena, are you ready?