Well Gardena, in less than a few weeks the councilmember position vacated by Medra

no will be filled. Who will it be? The four running mates have appeared at forums in Hollypark and at the Nakaoka Center. Fliers have been circulated. But to quote the great Yogi Berra, it's deja vu all over again. It concerns this blogger that the ex-Mayor othewise known as Don Dear, who brought us quasi-bankruptcy is again pimping a candidate who has already flipped on an important issue--redevelopment. Was Dan Medina pandering to the Hollypark residents when he said that redevelopment was what we needed? In North Gardena, the folks there have often complained, and rightly so, that the Rosecrans Corridor is blighted, and there are no good stores and restaurants. Was he just telling them what they wanted to hear? Was anyone paying attention at the Nakaoka Center when this candidate told us that that he was
against redevelopment? Is that what folks on
this end of town wanted to hear?
The ex-Mayor, thankfully whose following has declined, also brought us the councilmember who vacated the position suddenly when he was imprisoned and indicted on charges that, well, we won't get into here. I suppose this proves that old politicians never die--their legacies live on.
Wow, earlier today I coincidentally sent an email to the mayor about underdevelopment of north Gardena. It's really a shame that in order to eat at a decent restaurant one has to venture as far as MB, Redondo, Torrance,etc. I mean there isn't even a Starbucks anywhere nearby, and in every other city there's one practically on every corner. My gosh, LA businesses have improved since the '92 riots, but Gardena still has empty shells of businesses that have been closed for 20 years or more. Absolutely ridiculous! You'd think that only people living below the poverty line lived there. Hmm, same doesn't seem to apply in the "asian" neighborhoods of Gardena (Artesia & Vermont).
Just discovered this 'blog' and I have enjoyed your take on life in beautiful Gardena! My view is as a business owner for 20 years, working in town over 30 years! Any current comments???
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