For those of you who just did an eenie meenie miny moe at the polling place, or are just plain sadistic, I'd like to tell you a story. Sit back and relax in my virtual time machine. There once was a King (aka Don Dear) who ruled as Mayor of Gardenadom. His reign lasted 9 seasons of the locust (i.e. 9 terms). When he departed the city for other villages to pillage (i.e. Carson) he made sure to leave his legacy for us--near Bankruptcy--until our current city manager (okay, I'll call him the Prince in this little story) saved our city.

Now along the way, the King gathered his army. "Men, join my forces. I will promise you great power and riches and casinos with bright lights to eat breakfast at. The lords of the casinos will contribute large sums of money to your political campaigns. Merchants in the village take care of you (wink wink, nod nod). I will show you how to trick the little people into thinking that you care about this city while you're really just thinking of your own personal agendas and lining your pocketbooks." So Steve Bradford, Terry Terauchi and Oscar Medrano followed on the march to Gardenadom's council chambers and ruled according to the King's plans. Eventually the men tired of the King and branched off on their own (with their own spinoff candidates like Shannon Lawrence). While eating breakfast at one of the bright shiny casinos he spied a new candidate--Dan Medina. He had all the right stuff. He didn't finish what he started, claimed to be something he wasn't and lacked the wherewithall to fill the position. "He's PERFECT!" claimed the be continued.

Now along the way, the King gathered his army. "Men, join my forces. I will promise you great power and riches and casinos with bright lights to eat breakfast at. The lords of the casinos will contribute large sums of money to your political campaigns. Merchants in the village take care of you (wink wink, nod nod). I will show you how to trick the little people into thinking that you care about this city while you're really just thinking of your own personal agendas and lining your pocketbooks." So Steve Bradford, Terry Terauchi and Oscar Medrano followed on the march to Gardenadom's council chambers and ruled according to the King's plans. Eventually the men tired of the King and branched off on their own (with their own spinoff candidates like Shannon Lawrence). While eating breakfast at one of the bright shiny casinos he spied a new candidate--Dan Medina. He had all the right stuff. He didn't finish what he started, claimed to be something he wasn't and lacked the wherewithall to fill the position. "He's PERFECT!" claimed the be continued.
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