
City Manager Moving?

Anonymous said...
Mitch Landsdell is trying to make a move behind the scenes to leave Gardena and move to the City of Los Alamitos as it's new City Manager, post firing of their former City Manager. The rumor is that he is trying to work a deal into Los Alamitos so a new trash company can be brought in...maybe Landsdell has more $$$$ through the trash men than we all know!Landsdell is working with the Los Alamitos City Council majority, led by Egomaniacal Councilman Troy Edgar to make his move into Los Alamitos...check it out.
October 7, 2007 9:51 AM

Comments posted anonymously or cited on Gardena Watch are the express opinions of those individuals and not the opinion of Gardena Watch.


Anonymous said...

I’m not so concerned about Landsdell working a trash deal in Los Alamitos Where those comments posted by a disgruntled city employee or Gardena city official? Who knows.

If Landsdell leaves we‘re still stuck with our city council. Talk about making deals. Look at all the stuff that's gone on with Waste Resources and Phoenix Waste.

Gardena citizens many not be very vocal but they’re not naïve.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Landsdell is trying to make a move to Los Alamitos. He is currently testing for CM in the trash hauler controlled City of George Briggeman & his boy Councilman Troy Edgar! Soon Gardena will be free of Mitch and Los Alamitos will have to take on his crazy ways!