
Head-swatting case still high (melo)drama

Former Carson councilwoman returns to court after breaking 9-foot restraining order.´ No. 1 HitBy Gene MaddausStaff Writer

Eight months after Carson became a national laughingstock when Vera Dewitt swatted Jan Schaefer in the head with a sheaf of papers, Schaefer's shriek of agony is still echoing in the courts.

Who could forget the moment, immortalized on YouTube, when the former councilwoman whacked the city commissioner during a February council meeting? Schaefer hesitated before screaming and rolling on the floor, offering instant talk-show fodder and an unintentional summation of all that is childish in Carson politics...

Read the entire article from The Daily Breeze that hit the newsstand today.

See the video link above on You Tube (No. 1 Hit-first line of this posting) and a direct link above this article of Parody Video by teenager.

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