
The Price of a Council Seat

It's not a big secret that Steve Bradford has ambitions to move on to the Assembly. If he wins, who will likely be appointed to his Council seat? My crystal ball indicates the succession of power to the Bradford Mini-Me, Shannon Lawrence. Why? The SEIU, more money than you can shake a stick at and the good ole boy connection.

From Inglewood Today:

Assemblyman Curren D. Price (D-51) announced his bid for a seat in California State Senate District 26 recently— the same seat vacated last week when Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas took office on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. A Special election to fill the senate seat will be held in March.

The former Inglewood City Councilmember was elected to the California Assembly in 2006. He has already received an endorsement from one of the most powerful labor organizations around—the SEIU (Services Employees International Union).

The announcement was made Monday by Jeanine Meyer Rodriguez, spokesperson for the SEIU State Council. "I am particularly gratified and encouraged that the leadership of the SEIU recognizes that we share the same goals and commitment to improve the lives of working families.

I will work hard to assure them that their confidence in me is well-placed," said Price. The SEIU endorsement of Price is particularly significant; as this powerful union’s active support for Ridley-Thomas is widely credited for his lop-sided victory over Los Angeles City Councilman and former Police Chief, Bernard Parks. SEIU California State Council has more than 700,000 members in California , and is the largest and fastest growing union in the United States , with over 2 million members nationwide.

SEIU represents workers in healthcare, longterm care, public services (both state workers and local), and building services."

The Contra Costa Times stated "If Price is wins on March 24, a special election would be held to replace him in the Assembly. Gardena Councilman Steve Bradford, who lost the Democratic primary to Price by about 100 votes in 2006, is considered a contender to replace him."

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