
Gardena saggy pants law is not picked up

Gardena saggy pants law is not picked up

In the midst of the holiday rush this one got buried and has just resurfaced. Some of the readers' comments in The Breeze were too good to pass up:

"You are completely correct. Steve Bradford, once arrested for attempting to run over a police officer with his personal vehicle, is a horrible representative of the people in Gardena. His only concern is for his supporters and doesn't care about the south half of the city! His only goal is to get as much recognition for himself as he can. He is NOT who I would want representing me."

"It is so wonderful that Gardena City Council has solved all their other problems and has time to deal with this horrible travesty! This scourge of our nation!!! I think they ought to start their own canpaign geared towards dumb and wasteful proposals called "Pull Your Head Out!" LOL"

"mr bradford should give up his city council seat.....cant we find something a little more productive to do for the city of gardena..PLEASE "

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